Blockbatam Blockchain Conference: 20th August 2019, Aston Hotel – Batam, Indonesia
Indonesia is setting its sights on blockchain as an enabler of increased efficiency and greater transparency with applications currently being explored in areas and industries that include healthcare, logistics, postal services, e-voting and agriculture.
Batam province of Indonesia has been officially declared as a “BDEZ – Batam Digital Economic Zone”. Blockbatam conference is formulated to declare Batam city as Indonesia's Digital Economic Zone. Blockbatam welcomes all foreign blockchain companies to explore Batam as their APAC hub for blockchain activities. Senior government officers and industry experts will converge on 20th August to discuss the implementations of blockchain in Indonesia.
BlockJakarta Supporters Include:
• BP Batam, Government of Indonesia
• INDODAX – Indonesia Digital Asset Exchange
• Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia
• Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Government of Indonesia
• dClinic
• PLMP Fintech
• Rekeningku
• Vexanium
• Asset Bitcoin
• Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia
And many more to be added soon
Media Partners: BraveNewCoin | BitcoinChaser | Duniafintech | Convestasi | Blockchainisme| Cryptowatch | Blockchainmedia.co.id | ICO Holder | Luxuo | Coinpoint | Coindaily | Finyear | ICN | Digitalis | Digitalscouting | Cryptoinvestorasia | Chainsight | Kryptomoney
Some of the confirmed speakers include:
1. Edy Putra Irawady – Chairman, BP Batam, Government of Indonesia
2. Oscar Darmawan - CEO & Founder, INDODAX
3. Dr Edi Prio Pambudi - Assistant to Deputy Minister (Director) on Monetary and Balance of Payment, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
4. Richard Satur – CEO, dClinic
5. Senior Officer* – KADIN, Chamber of Commerce
6. Hon. Dr. Peter Lim – Chairman, PLMP Fintech Group
And many more to join soon….
Blockchain professionals from about 15-20 countries shall participate at Blockbatam conference. So reserve your seat NOW.
• If you wish to participate as a sponsor, email sarfraz@blackarrowconferences.com OR download sponsorship brochure.
• REGISTRASI - If you wish to register as a delegate, go to registration page
Find more ? klik Blockbatam
Tel/whatsapp: +91-9833487628 | Telegram: sarfraz_blackarrow
Email: blockbatam@blackarrowconferences.com